Effect of system automation on Customs performance at the Port of Mombasa in Kenya

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Nganda, Esther Lunde

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KESRA/JKUAT - Unpublished research project


System automation is usually applied to improve customs performance. System automation plays a significant role in simplifying and harmonizing border and administrative procedures. It leads to enhanced efficiency and effectiveness in the customs system. The poor customs performance at the port of Mombasa can be attributed to lengthy procedures of customs clearance, rapid growth of container trade, frequent KRA and KPA IT system breakdown, a gate out process that is slow and slow container off-take, inadequate capacity of yards and involvement of multiple sectors in the clearance process. The study established the effects of system automation on customs performance at the port of Mombasa in Kenya. The study particularly examined the effect of automation of cargo documentation, automation of customs release process and automation of payment system on customs performance. This study was founded on the unified theory of technical acceptance and use of technology, rational expectations theory of technology adoption and technological determinism theory. The study adopted descriptive survey research design. The study’s target population constituted customs officers, KPA officers, shipping agents, and cargo owners who were 124 in total. The sample size consisted of 95 respondents who were selected through stratified sampling. A pilot test was done before embarking on actual data collection activity. Content validity of research questionnaire was achieved through consultations with the supervisor. Cronbach‘s alpha coefficient was used to assess reliability of the research questionnaire. Self-administered semi-structured questionnaires were employed in data collection. Frequencies, percentages, means and standard deviations were the descriptive statistical tools of analysis. Inferential analysis involved correlation and multiple regression analysis. Findings of the study were presented using tables. The study found out that that improving automation of cargo documentation leads to improved customs performance (β1 = 0.276; p < 0.05). It was determined that enhancing automation of customs verification leads to enhancement of customs performance (β2 = 0.313; p < 0.05). It was also noted that improving automation of payment system leads to improved customs performance (β3 = 0.382; p < 0.05). It was also concluded that improving system automation will lead to improved customs performance at the port of Mombasa in Kenya. It was recommended that KRA and other stakeholders at the port of Mombasa in Kenya such as KPA should improve system automation in order to enhance customs performance at the port of Mombasa in Kenya.


PROJ 352.44 NGA


Customs Performance, Customs documentation, Automation of Customs Release Process, Payment system, Electronic processing of documents, Trade Facilitation

