Effects of Automated Processes On Customs Revenue Collection: A Case of Jomo Kenyatta International Airport
Abdirashid, Abdiaziz
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KESRA/JKUAT - Unpublished research project
In today’s competitive, fast-paced business landscape, getting the most out of available resources is not an option but rather a requirement. Organizations are taking a highly proactive approach to systems modernization and operations in an effort to increase efficiency and effectiveness in their operations. There is an increasing need by the government to collect much revenue by way of taxes to face the increasing financial expenditures budgeted by the country. The objective of the study was to determine the effect automated processes on customs revenue collection. This study employed descriptive study design. Secondary data from KRA custom database spanning from the financial year 2013/2014 to 2017/2018 was used. The data was analysed using Microsoft excel and presented in figures and tables. The study findings established that customs revenue collected from JKIA have been fluctuating over the study period. Further the study established that customs revenue collection from JKIA station is directly related to the electronic payment transaction but inversely related to the electronic declaration of cargo and electronic release of cargo. The study found out that automated processes have led to increase in electronic declaration of cargo, electronic payment transactions as well as electronic release of goods. This study recommends other station of customs to be automated for effective and efficient customs clearance processes.
Automated Processes