Challenges Facing the Implementation of One Stop Border Posts by The Kenya Revenue Authority

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Temba, Grace Lunyolo

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KESRA/JKUAT - Unpublished research project


Changing from two-control stops to a Joint Border Post, in full compliance with the regulatory requirements of the neighboring countries, will clearly improve and enhance intraregional trade in Africa. Nonetheless, despite the benefits accrued to it, the implementation of one stop border posts is facing numerous challenges. The purpose of this study was to investigate the challenges facing the implementation of one stop border posts by the Kenya Revenue Authority. The specific objectives were to determine the effect of infrastructural challenges, bureaucratic procurement procedures, organizational culture and human resource challenges affect the implementation of one stop border posts by the Kenya Revenue Authority. This study used a descriptive research design. The target population of this study was all the 120 staff working at the four one stop border posts: Busia border, Malaba border, Namanga border and Taveta/horiri border. The study will use 50% of the target population as the sample size. The study used stratified random sampling in the selection of the sample size. This study used both primary and secondary data. Secondary data was collected from the annual reports on the customers and control department in Kenya Revenue Authority. Primary data was collected by use semi-structured questionnaires. Qualitative data was collected analysed by use of thematic content analysis and the results were presented in a narrative form. Quantitative data was analyzed by use of both descriptive and inferential statistics by use of statistical package for social sciences (SPSS version 22). Descriptive statistics include frequency distribution, percentages, measures of central tendencies (mean) and measures of dispersion (standard deviation). The data was then presented in tables and graphs. Multivariate regression analysis was used to establish whether there is a relationship between the dependent and the independent variables. The study found that infrastructural challenges have a negative and significant effect on the implementation of one stop border posts by the KRA. The study also established that bureaucratic procurement procedures have a negative and significant effect on the implementation of one stop border posts by the KRA. Further the study found out that organizational culture has a positive and significant effect on the implementation of one stop border posts by the KRA. Furthermore, the results revealed that human resource challenges have a negative and significant effect on the implementation of the one stop border posts by the KRA. The study recommends that the management at the KRA should purchase more stand by generators, allocate more financial resources for the development of one stop border posts and adopt the use on modern or advanced technology so as to ensure successful implementation of one stop border posts. The study also recommends that the management at the KRA should improve on staffs as well as suppliers competencies through conducting regular seminars and offering of free tutorial training so as to improve on the staffs‘ competency skill thus improving on the implementation of one stop border posts by the KRA. In addition, the study recommends that the management at the KRA should change the working pattern among staffs and implement measures or policies that reduce long working hours among the employees. Moreover, the study recommends that the management should employee more competency staffs so as to enhance the implementation of one stop border posts. Further, the study recommends that the management at the KRA should solicit customer feedback, take stock of their resources, and practice schedule their resource so as to improve on the implementation of one stop border posts.



One Stop Border Posts

