Factors affecting performance of the integrated customs management system performance at the Port of Mombasa
Awadhan, Abeid Salim
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KESRA/JKUAT - Unpublished research project
The iCMS was introduced in order to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of border clearance process. It is meant to reduce delays involved in export and import clearance as evidenced in Europe and Latin American where port dwell time which is less than a week. This is in sharp contrast to the average dwell time at the port of Mombasa is 11 days. The iCMS is meant to ensure an efficient process of clearing cargo and hence reduce delays with overall aim of ensuring streamlined processes. The introduction of the iCMS is a major step undertaken by KRA to ensure efficient clearance process by customs. Despite the initiative being in place, delays are still being encountered. The general objective of the study was to determine the factors affecting performance of the iCMS at the port of Mombasa. The study specifically determined the effect of cost control, infrastructure and human resource capacity on performance of the iCMS project at the port of Mombasa. The study was founded on transaction cost theory, resource-based view theory and human capital theory. Descriptive cross-sectional survey research design was adopted by the researcher. This study targeted a total of 355 respondents, that is, 210 KRA customs officers, 100 KPA officers, 30 KEBS officers and 25 KEPHIS officers-at the port of Mombasa. The researcher sampled 189 respondents. The researcher used stratified sampling to select the respondents that participated in the study. The study used self-administered structured questionnaires to collect data. A pilot test enabled the determination of the reliability of the research questionnaire and ensure its validity. Content validity and face validity of research questionnaire was achieved through consultations with the supervisor. Reliability of the research questionnaire was tested using Cronbach‘s alpha coefficient. The researcher utilized both descriptive and inferential statistics for data analysis. The descriptive statistical tools included frequencies, percentages, means and standard deviations. Inferential analysis entailed correlation and multiple regression analysis. It was established that cost control, infrastructure and human resource capacity positively and significantly affect performance of the iCMS project at the port of Mombasa. It was determined that increasing cost control by 1 unit increases performance of the iCMS project at the port of Mombasa by 0.250 unit. The study established that enhancing infrastructure by 1 unit enhances performance of the iCMS project at the port of Mombasa by 0.319 unit. It was revealed that that increasing human resource capacity by 1 unit increases performance of the iCMS project at the port of Mombasa by 0.389 unit. The study concluded that cost control, infrastructure and human resource capacity positively affect performance of the iCMS project. It was recommended that cost control, infrastructure and human resource capacity should be enhanced in order to enhance performance of the iCMS project. This study is expected to benefit various stakeholders such as KRA and other state agencies, the government, policy makers and future researchers.
Cost control, Integrated