5. KRA Corporate Plans

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    8th Corporate Plan 2021/2022 – 2023/2024
    (Kenya Revenue Authority, 24-06-21) Kenya Revenue Authority, KRA
    The Kenya Revenue Authority is established by an Act of Parliament, 1995. The Authority is charged with the responsibility of collecting revenue on behalf of the Government of Kenya. The Authority is guided by cycles of three-year Corporate Plans, which provide focus and direction in its operations. The Eighth Corporate Plan 2021/22 – 2023/24 is aligned with the country’s development agenda as spelt out in the Kenya Vision 2030, the Third Medium Term Plan (MTP 2018-2022), the Budget Policy Statement 2021 and the Big Four Agenda. In addition, it has taken into account the Country’s commitment under Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) especially SDG 1, SDG 8, SDG 9, SDG 10, SDG 16 and SDG 17 and Africa Agenda 2063 aspirations 1, 2 and 7. The focus of the Plan is to enhance Government’s revenue mobilisation, driven compliance and tax base expansion. II. Evaluation of Seventh Corporate Plan. The Seventh Corporate Plan Theme was Revenue Mobilisation and was aimed at growing revenue at 17.2% annually, Plan was anchored on four key strategic thrusts with four main strategic outcomes monitored through 41 Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and implementation of 114 initiatives. The overall revenue performance was Kshs. 4.89. billion against the Plan’s target of Kshs 4,899.3 billion Kshs. 5billion and a performance of 9 %, with an average growth of 5%. This represented a revenue to GDP ratio of 15.8%. Out of the 41 KPIs that were monitored, 29 were achieved, 71% performance while 99 of the 114 initiatives that were assessed were fully implemented, 87% performance. The challenges experienced in the implementation of the Plan were inadequate funding, the Covid–19 pandemic, overambitious targets and from the Plan: Adequate funding should be provided for the prioritised initiatives; business continuity and disaster recovery plans should be developed; realistic targets should be set and interdepartmental collaborations should be enhanced. III. Strategic Priorities in the Eighth Plan The theme of the Eighth Corporate Plan is Revenue Mobilisation. Towards this, four strategic outcomes have been KRA aims to reduce the tax gap and achieve revenue growth above the nominal GDP growth. Key objectives are: i) Tax Base Expansion ii) Strengthen compliance and enforcement iii) Smart intelligence and investigation iv) Integrated border KRA aims to achieve a high level of customer service and improve the Country’s competitiveness. Key objectives are: ii) Trade facilitation iii) Improved dispute resolution processes iv) Achieve excellence in taxpayer services v) Enhance brand awareness vi) Structured stakeholder engagements KRA intends to reduce the cost of collection, adopt modern technologies and improve the quality of operations and services in order to support the revenue mobilisation strategies. Key objectives are: i) Utilisation of modern technologies and processes iii) Reliable and resilient IT infrastructure iv) Strengthen big data analytics to drive compliance v) Clean up the taxpayer database vi) Improved quality standards and operations vii) Reinforced business continuity and disaster recovery. KRA aims to achieve a competent, compliment. Key objectives are: i) Optimise human resource capacity and capability ii) Improve performance management iii) Institutionalise KRA culture and value system iv) Improve work environment v) Enhance integrity IV. Implementation and coordination framework The Authority will implement an organisational structure that will ensure will be given priority by progressively bridging the gap over the Plan period. 2. Financing of the Plan The Authority forecasts that implementation of the Eighth Plan will require funding of Kshs. 117,638 million over the 3 years. V. Monitoring and Evaluation KRA’s Monitoring and Evaluation framework conforms to the guidelines provided by the National Integrated Monitoring and Evaluation System (NIMES). Sixteen (16) Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) were selected, four (4) for national monitoring and twelve (12) for monitoring at ministerial. The Plan will be implemented through Annual Plans and targets cascaded in the departmental and individual Performance Contracts. Monitoring of the Plan will be conducted quarterly as well as through mid-term and end-term evaluation.
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    7th Corporate Plan
    (Kenya Revenue Authority, 2018) Kenya Revenue Authority
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    6th Corporate Plan
    (Kenya Revenue Authority, 2015) Kenya Revenue Authority