3. Step by Step Guides

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    Step by Step Guide for Application of Excise License
    (Kenya Revenue Authority, 2023) Kenya Revenue Authority
    Section 15 of the Excise Duty Act, 2015 requires that any person who manufactures excisable goods in Kenya be licensed by the Commissioner.
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    Taxation Guide for Online Businessess
    (Kenya Revenue Authority, 2018) Kenya Revenue Authority
    An online business that is making a profit with an annual turnover of 750,000/= is expected to remit taxes which can be filed easily using the Itax platform. Example of online businesses include OLX, BLOGs, Sports Pesa and Social media.
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    Overview of Monthly Rental Income (MRI)
    (Kenya Revenue Authority, 2021-09) Kenya Revenue Authority
    A simplified tax regime on residential rental income known as Residential Rental Income Tax (popularly known as Monthly Rental Income or MRI) was introduced through the Finance Act 2015 and came into effect on 1st Jan 2016.
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    Step by Step Guide on Addition and Cancellation of Monthly Rental Income (MRI) Obligation
    (Kenya Revenue Authority, 2024-01) Kenya Revenue Authority; Domestic Taxes Department (BTO)
    An iTax enhancement has been effected to incorporate a work-flow for the registration and Cancellation of Monthly Rental Income (MRI) Tax. This will apply to new taxpayers who want to on-board MRI. Taxpayers who want to onboard and file MRI returns will be required to apply for addition of the obligation through iTax and this will undergo an approval process at the respective Tax Service Office (TSO) (i.e. similar process for the addition of other obligations like VAT and PAYE). This enhancement will support reduction of cases of erroneous MRI obligation registrations. The registration and cancellation process can also be facilitated via iTax back-office by officers if the taxpayer is unable to initiate the application on the iTax Portal.
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    Step by Step Guide for Filing and Payment of Industrial Training Levy through iTax
    (Kenya Revenue Authority, 2022) Kenya Revenue Authority
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    Overview of Advance Tax
    (Kenya Revenue Authority, 2022) Kenya Revenue Authority