8. East Africa Community (EAC)
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Item A Compendium of Tax Cases Decided Within the East African Community (EAC) 2022(2022) East African Revenue Authorities Technical Committee (EARATC)This compendium covers appeals and applications adjudicated upon in all Superior Courts of record, Tax Appeals Tribunals and Tax Revenue Appeals Boards from Kenya Revenue Authority, Office Burundais des Recettes, Rwanda Revenue Authority, Tanzania Revenue Authority and Uganda Revenue Authority. The compendium comprises summaries of tax decisions received during the period 2022. Copies of the full judgments/rulings can be retrieved from the libraries of the respective Revenue Administrations.Item Compendium of Tax Cases Decided within East African Community 2019-2021 - Volume 1(East African Revenue Authority Technical Committee (EARATC), 2021) East African Revenue Authority Technical Committee (EARATC)This compendium covers tax decisions of Appeals and Applications adjudications adjudicated upon in all superior Courts of record, Tax Appeals Tribunals and the Tax Appeals Boards from Kenya Revenue Authority, Rwanda Revenue Authority, Tanzania Revenue Authority and Uganda Revenue Authority. The compendium comprises summaries of tax decisions received during the period 2019-2021. Copies of the full judgements/rulings can be retrieved from the libraries of the respective Revenue Authorities Administration bodies. Tax decisions from Burundi and Rwanda are reported in French and Kinyarwanda and have to be first translated to English. It is for this reason that we only managed to include five (5) cases from Rwanda and none from Burundi. The East African Revenue Authorities Technical Committees (EARATC) is working with the heads of delegations from the two countries to have their tax decisions translated to English with the intention of having them in future compendiums.Item East African Community One Stop Border Post Regulation, 2017(EAC Secretariat, 2017) EAC Secretariat; ;Item East Africa Community Customs Management Act, 2004 (Revised edition, 2021)(EAC Secretariat, 2021) East Africa Community; Kenya Revenue Authority - Customs and Border Control DepartmentItem The East Africa Community Customs Union (Export Processing Zones) Regulations(EAC Secretariat, 2020) East Africa CommunityThe purpose of these Regulations is to implement the provisions of Article 29 of the Protocol and to ensure that there is uniformity among the Partner States in the implementation of the provisions on export processing zones and to ensure to the extent possible, that the process is transparent, accountable, fair and predictable.Item East Africa Community Customs Management Act, 2004 (Revised edition 2020)(EAC Secretariat, 22-03-20) East Africa Community; Kenya Revenue Authority - Customs and Border Control DepartmentThis is an Act of the Community to make provisions for the management and administration of Customs and for related matters. This Act may be cited as the Community Customs Management Act, 2004.Item East Africa Community Management Act,2004(Revised edition 2019)(EAC Secretariat, 2019) Kenya Revenue Authority-Customs and Border Control DepartmentItem The East African Community Customs Union (Rules of Origin) Rules, 2015(EAC Secretariat, 2015) East Africa CommunityItem East Africa Community Customs Management Regulations, 2010(East Africa Community Secretariat, 2010) Kenya Revenue AuthorityItem East Africa Community Customs Management Act (Revised Edition, 2017)(East Africa Community Secretariat, 2017) Kenya Revenue Authority (Customs and Border Control Department)