The 7th Annual Tax Summit Report 2021: Redefining the Taxation Landscape: Global Trends, Developments & Impact
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Kenya Revenue Authority
This Report contains highlights, discussions and recommendations from the 7th Annual Tax Summit convened by the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) on the 13th and 14th October 2021. The Summit, themed “Redefining the Taxation and Landscape: Global Trends, Developments and Impact” highlighted tax administration challenges, experiences and prospects and their implications for Kenya and other developing countries, especially in Africa. The report commences focus on Kenya’s perspectives on the international taxation debate around the OECD Inclusive Framework and its impact on Tax Administration in the developing countries. It expresses Kenya’s bold concerns around the two-pillar solution to taxation of the digital economy and proposes key recommendations for progressing international taxation in an integrative way that protects revenue bases of developing countries. The purpose of the Summit was to bring together actors from various Tax Administrations, as well as other key stakeholders (private sector, policy experts, think tanks, academia, media, and civil society) to deliberate on solutions to various policy, institutional, legal, and administrative challenges facing tax administrations in Africa. The Summit was also a public participation platform aimed at enhancing discussions with stakeholders and providing feedback on the status of implementation of interventions, solutions, and ideas to resolve challenges and improve tax and customs administration practice. The objectives of the Tax Summit were: i. To improve African tax systems by sharing ideas, innovations and strategies successfully implemented in other jurisdictions. ii. To enhance the capacity of tax officials on the continent by interactions through networking, knowledge exchange and collaboration. iii. To create a platform for tax policymakers and tax administration officials on the continent to collaborate on improving tax policy decisions that will positively enhance Domestic Revenue mobilisation. iv. To establish a continental cooperative framework for addressing tax challenges and pursue more taxing rights for African countries, including taxing of the digital economy and BEPS.
Annual Tax Summit, OECD, Digital economy, Tax Administration