Chelang'a, Ruth Jepchirchir2020-03-032022-06-072020-03-032022-06-072019 343.599 CHEThe study sought to find out the effect of macro- economic factors on revenue collection in Kenya Customs Administration. Data on inflation rate, GDP and exchange rate were obtained for a period of fifteen years. The study used descriptive research design to help appreciate the effect of macro-economic factors on revenue collected. Descriptive and inferential statistics models were used to test the relationship between the dependent and independent variables. Correlation showed the relationship between the dependent and independent variables. Regression showed the strength and significance of the relationships. The study established that there was a weak negative relationship between GDP, Inflation and revenue collection. Exchange rate had a strong positive relationship with revenue collection. This is illustrated by the equation: Y = 450779-16551Inflation -16261GDP+11788Exchange rate. The study recommends that policy makers should look into ways in which inflation can minimized and ways in which the country’s currency shall be made stronger. The study was limited to the fifteen years. The study focused on import duty.enExchange rateGross domestic productInflationEffects of macro-economic factors on revenue collection in Kenya customs administration.Newspaper Cuttings