Ayugi, Lawrence2020-12-042022-06-072020-12-042022-06-072018https://ikesra.kra.go.ke/handle/123456789/1000Delays on container cargo clearance has emerged and evident at ICD Embakasi Nairobi with indicated long clearance period or overstay of received containers at the port for more than 10- 12 days. The delay in clearing containers at the ICD is made worse by unclear communication in nominating containers for clearance at the ICD, inadequate cargo handling equipment, and long customs clearance procedures and requirements. The objective of the study is to assess the factors influencing container cargo clearance at the ICD Embakasi with focus on specific objectives, to establish the effects of customs documentation process on container cargo clearance at the ICDE, to determine the effects of handling equipment on container cargo clearance at ICDE and to find out the effects of transport infrastructure on container cargo clearance at ICDE This study adopted a descriptive research with survey of a total population of 200 and apply a stratified random sampling technique to select a sample size of respondents. The study uses questionnaires in order to bring out the results of the study as expected. Respondents are drawn from the departments within Kenya Revenue Authority, Clearing agents and Kenya Port Authority. The study analyzes the data using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). From the research findings, the study concluded all the independent variables studied have significant effect on container cargo clearance at ICDN as indicated by the strong coefficient of correlation and a p-value which is less than 0.05. The overall effect of the analyzed factors was very high as indicated by the coefficient of determination. The overall P-value of 0.00 which is less than 0.05 (5%) is an indication of relevance of the studied variables, significant at the calculated 95% level of significance. This implies that the studied independent variables namely custom documentation process, handling equipment and transport infrastructure have significant effect on container cargo clearance at ICDN.enShipmentStakeholderCargo clearanceFactors influencing container cargo clearance at the inland container depot EmbakasiArticle