Achacha, Cynthia2021-06-082022-06-072021-06-082022-06-072020 ProjectThe objective of the study was to find out the factors affecting intra-regional trade volume in East Africa Community with Kenya as a case study. The population of interest consisted of Customs Officers from Kenya Revenue Authority, Traders, Clearing Agents and Transporters based in Nairobi. The major factors affecting intra-regional trade volume were identified as: infrastructure (p=0.000<0.05), non-tariff barriers (p=0.001<0.05) and tariff barriers (p=0.000<0.05). Infrastructure in EAC was found to have improved greatly over the years. The good roads network has reduced lead times and costs of transport by reducing cases of breakdown of trucks and delays in deliveries amongst the EAC Members. It was also found that the Standard Gauge Railway (SGR) established has shortened travel time from Mombasa to Nairobi, which has boosted trade in the region. In addition, it was noted that the East African ports substantially increased their container and general cargo traffic; however there are still extremely lengthy import and export procedures at the port causing delays. Regarding non-tariff barriers, it was found that they still exist in EAC despite the efforts to remove them. Quotas, embargos and subsidies still exist. Tariff barriers such as duty rates, different tax regimes and exemptions were found to affect trade in EAC. The high duty rates and disparities in tax regimes among EAC members have been found to distortions and negative impact on cross border trade in the region. Exemptions granted on some goods were found to boost trade in those goods. In conclusion, it was found that there have been a lot of efforts done by EAC to boost trade amongst them, but there are still areas that need to be improved upon if full potential is to be achieved.enInfrastructureNon-Tarrif BarriersTariff barriersDuty RatesExemptionsFactors influencing Intra-Regional Trade in East African Community : A case study of KenyaProjects